Anyone who does
not live in your household and
is not your dependent under the
age of 18 is considered a
guest. All guests must stop to
register at the office upon
arrival at Pine Crest Campground
– No Exceptions. There is a
$4.00 per person charge for
adult visitors, and children
visitors age 17 or under are
$3.00. All day visitors must
leave by 10:00PM. Overnight
visitors are $5.00 per person
($8.00 per person on holiday
weekends) provided that they are staying
in your camper with you. Guest
boat launch is $15.00 (plus the
visitor fee). You are
responsible for your guests and
that they follow Pine Crest
Campground Policies.

Limit – 5 mph for
vehicles of any type. You must
have a driver’s license to
operate any motorized vehicle on
campground property, this
includes golf carts.

ATV’s/Golf Carts – 4
wheelers, dirt bikes, and ATV’s
are NOT allowed on campground
property. Campers owning and
operating motorized golf carts
on campground property are
responsible to maintain
liability insurance. If you do
not have a license you may not
drive a golf cart.

at Campsites –
Parking at a site is for the
camper’s convenience. 2 car
maximum per site. Guests should
use the parking lot. Island
guests may inquire about parking
when they stop at the office.

Appearance – Sites
should be kept mowed, trimmed
and looking neat and clean at
all times.

– Observe posted pool rules. NYS
rules require TWO
adults must be inside pool fence
with one on the pool
deck. Children under 16 and non
swimmers must be supervised by a
responsible adult (age 18 or
older) at all times. Children
are NOT to be left unattended.
NO diving, cannon balls,
running, pushing or excessive
splashing in pool area. No food
or drinks inside the fence. Pool
hours are noon until ½ hour
prior to dark, but may be
adjusted at owner’s
discretion. The pool will be
closed at the first sign of a
thunder/lighting storm and
remain closed until the storm
has passed.

Hours – 11:00PM to
8:00AM. Children should be back
at their campsite by 10:00PM.

Consideration for Others
– Loud music and loud, abusive,
or foul language are not
necessary. Please be considerate
of the other campers so you are
not disturbing them. Privacy of
other campers is to be
respected. Do not walk or drive
through any site, vacant or
occupied. Remind your children
and guests of this policy.
Respect for each other is
expected while in the recreation
hall and foul language will NOT
be tolerated.

– Pets are not to run loose in
camp or on other sites and
should be kept quiet. Clean up
after your pet whether it be on
your site or while you are
walking your pet on camp
property. A copy of your pet’s
current rabies vaccination must
be presented to the office.

Collection – Please
place your garbage/trash in a
large plastic bag and take it to
the fenced area attached to the pump house across from the pool. This
service is for household
trash/garbage only. All other
trash such as discarded
appliances, grills, chairs,
umbrellas, carpet, brooms,
buckets, plastic boats, camp
lights, etc., must be taken
home. All trash including
cigarette butts should be
disposed of properly. No
recyclable items should be
placed in your trash bag, but
disposed of in the yellow bins
you see throughout camp.

Recycling – Recycling
is a state law in New York and
MUST be done. Place clean cans,
glass jars, plastic items (must
be coded 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 – if
you look on the bottom of the
item you will see the recycle
insignia with a number in the
middle of it) in the yellow
recycling bins placed around the
camp. Please burn your
paper products, thank-you.

Tents/Screen Rooms –
Please do not leave tents set up
for extended periods of time
when not in use. If more than
one tent or screen room is to be
set up please contact the

/ Illegal Substances
– Underage drinking and the
possession or use of illegal
substances is not permitted on
Pine Crest property. If any persons under the age of 21 are found drinking and if anyone is found to be using illegal substances you will be evicted from the park immediately.

Docks – All
designated water front sites may
locate a dock in front of their
site. All other non water front
sites wishing to maintain a dock
must receive yearly permission
from the campground. Your boat dock
MUST have a sign
on it that says "Private Dock".

Bicycles – Bicyclists must follow New York State Law
regarding helmets. The law
states that: all bicyclists
under the age of 14 are required
to wear approved bicycle helmets
when bicycling or riding as a
passenger. If you're riding at
night your bike must have
reflectors a headlight and a
taillight. Consider using
additional lighting and
reflective bands, vests and
clothing to increase your
visibility. Park bicycles off all
roads and walkways. Bicycles are
not allowed in Recreation Room
or Pavilions. Bicycles are
NOT allowed on the hill. Parents
we ask that your children do not
ride their bikes in the dark.

Black/Gray Water – It
is against Broome County Health
Department Regulations to dump
gray or black water, grease,
etc. on the ground. Anyone
caught doing this will be told
to leave the park immediately.

Firearms / Fireworks
– All types of firearms
including BB guns and the use of
fireworks are strictly
forbidden. Use of these items
will prompt immediate eviction
from Pine Crest.

Damaging or Destroying Camp
Property – Management
reserves the right to bill
anyone for destruction of
campground property caused by
any member of their family,
visitors or their dogs, Please
see that your children and your
guests do not damage or destroy
camp property. This includes
items in the recreation hall and
damage done by peeling bark or
breaking branches off live
trees. You will be held
responsible for any damages
incurred. Please notify the
office if any campground
equipment is broken or not
working properly.

Campfires – We ask that you keep your campfire contained within your fire ring under
control and never left unattended. Please do not move fire rings and DO NOT place non-burnable
(I.e. plastic, glass bottles, soda cans) in the fire rings. You may not cut down any live trees
on the property, however if you like you may pick up any dead or fallen branches and burn them.
Please be sure your campfire is out before retiring for the evening or leaving the campground.

Trespassing on Others’ Property
– The camp is surrounded on
three sides by private property,
and campers do not have
permission to trespass. The
gravel pits and the corn field
behind the bike trails are
strictly off limits. The creek
and fields that run along the
back edge of the sites serve as
an indicator for camp property.

Wi-Fi Hotspot
– This is a shared, open system, so please use common courtesy
and minimize bandwidth use. We must ask that you adhere to a few
rules so that all our campers get to enjoy the system. This service
is designed for e-mail and Web browsing. Downloading large files
or excessive use of bandwidth will result in automatic limitation
of access. Wi-fi use in the
Office (hotspot) is for transient use
 Internet access is supplied as a service to our customers.
We are not responsible for your laptop security or data integrity.
By logging onto our system, you agree to these conditions for access
and promise that, when you are done checking your e-mail, you will
enjoy the great outdoors at our beautiful campground.

Theft and Loss
– Management is not responsible for theft or loss of any kind,
nor damage caused by fire, wind, water, accidents, vandalism,
lighting strikes, or acts of God. It is your responsibility to
maintain insurance on your camper/boats/ski jets and golf carts
at all times

Miscellaneous – Shut
off your water, turn off all
lights, and secure awnings when
leaving the park for the
week. Messages will be delivered
on an emergency basis only. The
pavilions may be rented on a
first come basis; however they
are not available for rental on
holiday weekends. Please leave
the pavilions as you found them.

Firewood Regulations per New
York State Department of
Environmental Conservation
DEC REGULATION is now in effect
that prohibits the import of
firewood into New York unless it
has been heat treated to kill
pests. The regulation also
limits the transportation of
untreated firewood to less than
50 miles from its source. By
transporting firewood, you could
be spreading diseases and
invasive insects that can
quickly kill large numbers of
trees. Help
obey the Firewood Regulation:
It is best to leave all
firewood at home - please do not
bring it to campgrounds or
parks. Get your firewood at the
campground or from a local
vendor - ask for a receipt or
label that has the firewood's
local source. If you choose to
transport firewood within New
York State: • It must have a
receipt or label that has the
firewood's source and it must
remain within 50 miles of that
source. • For firewood not
purchased (i.e. cut from your
own property) you must have a
Self-Issued Certificate of
Source (available at the
campground), and it must be
sourced within 50 miles of your
destination. • Only firewood
labeled as meeting New York's
heat treatment standards to kill
pests (kiln-dried) may be
transported into the state and
further than 50 miles from the
firewood's source.

• Be Considerate
of Others • Drive Slowly • Watch
Out for Children •
